At 10:15 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday, March 11, practice your tornado safety plans wherever you are at that time. This means you should gather your household members (including pets) or your coworkers, then go to the lowest level of your shelter location away from windows, outside walls, and doors.
The National Weather Service will issue a test tornado warning alert that will be shared using the statewide Emergency Alert System (EAS), so take your weather radio and your mobile phone, which you will need to stay aware of weather alerts and to call for help in case of an emergency.
In your tornado shelter, protect yourself from falling debris, like a ceiling (as shown above). If possible, use blankets, a mattress, or a sturdy piece of furniture to cover yourself.
If you are unsure what to do during a tornado warning, now is the time to make a tornado safety plan. The risk of tornadoes in Indiana increases during springtime: About 43% of Indiana’s tornadoes occur from March through May. June is the most active time for tornadoes (almost 25% occur in that month alone).
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