ALLEN COUNTY, IN – INDOT announces the beginning of construction of the quadrant roadway at the intersection of State Road 930 and Maplecrest Road.
Starting on or after March 17, crews will begin working on the quadrant roadway. During construction, a majority of the work will take place off the roadway in the southeast portion of the intersection. Drivers should watch for lane shifts and narrow lanes on S.R. 930 during construction. Work on the project is expected to last until the beginning of October. All work is weather-dependent and schedules are subject to change.
INDOT encourages drivers to consider safety for all by slowing down, using extra caution, and driving distraction-free when traveling in and around all work zones.
About Quadrant Roadways
Quadrant roadways help improve safety at intersections by restricting left turns from the main intersection. Left turns are moved to the intersections with the new roadway. The new intersections will be signalized and coordinated with the main intersection to allow for consistent flow through the signals.
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