The Social Security Administration today announced the closing of a component within the agency, the Office of Transformation. Employees in this office will be put on administrative leave effective today.
“President Trump has mandated the Federal government eliminate wasteful and inefficient offices and the Office of Transformation was a prime example,” said Lee Dudek, Acting Commissioner of Social Security. “This redundant office was created under the previous administration, and we are righting that wrong.”
What Was The Social Security Office of Transformation?
Via the SSA Organizational Manual: Chapter TS – The Office of Transformation (
- Mission
- The Office of Transformation (OT) is directly responsible for strategic guidance and oversight of enterprise-wide initiatives, addressing policies, business processes, and systems. The office is responsible for the vision, scoping, oversight and management of critical, complex enterprise projects and incorporation of customer experience to seamlessly evolve agency culture and approach. Provides strategic guidance and oversight to SSA offices for critical, complex enterprise projects. Plans, manages, and coordinates projects and initiatives involving customer service-related systems and projects. Serves as a focal point and represents the interests of the Commissioner to ensure that Agency components are aware of, and held accountable for, priorities, initiatives, and required actions. Advises the Commissioner on issues concerning customer service-related systems and processes and works with SSA offices to resolve delays and ensure successful implementation.
- Organization
- The Chief Transformation Officer (TS).
- The Deputy of the Chief Transformation Officer (TS).
- The Immediate Office of the Chief Transformation Officer (TSA).
- The Office of Customer Experience (TSB).
- The Office of Change Management (TSC)
- The Office of Experience Design (TSE)
- Functions
- The Chief Transformation Officer (CTRO) (TS) is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out the OT mission and for general providing supervision to the major components of OT.
- The Deputy Chief Transformation Officer (DCTRO) (TS) assists the Chief Transformation Officer in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties the Chief Information Officer may prescribe. The Deputy Chief Transformation Officer serves as the Acting CTRO in the absence of the CTRO.
- The Immediate Office of the Chief Transformation Officer (OCTRO) (TSA) provides the Chief Transformation Officer and the Deputy Chief Transformation Officer with management support on the full range of their responsibilities.
- The Office of Customer Experience (OCX) (TSB) champions the needs and expectations of agency customers and the employees who serve them. Conducts comprehensive customer research and oversees the Voice of the Customer (VoC) program, ensuring that customer feedback is heard and reflected in all agency solutions. Implements mechanisms to collect and analyze customer feedback, identifying opportunities, pain points, and other insights to drive service improvement. Ensures people facing barriers, including those with disabilities, are well represented in research and valuation. Collaborates with other SSA offices and product teams to foster a customer-focused culture and practices using customer personas, journey maps and other deliverables.
- The Office of Change Management (OCM) (TSC) provides management and oversight for strategic enterprise-level initiatives that require significant changes to business process, policy, and/or information technology. Provides guidance to SSA offices and coordinates with appropriate staff to develop, improve, and implement policies, business processes, and systems to better support employees and customers. Informs senior executives on initiative health, progress, and outcomes to ensure delivery on transformation objectives.
- The Office of Experience Design (OXD) (TSE) leads design activities for agency products and solutions, ensuring that customer and employee interactions are seamless, effective, and accessible. Works with the Office of Customer Experience (OCX) to transform customer insights into actionable business strategies and solutions. Leverages service design, process improvement, user experience (UX) design, and accessible design methodologies to create customer-centered solutions that improve customer satisfaction and business efficiency. Sets and maintains design and content standards that guide all customer experiences across the agency.
SOURCE: Social Security Administration
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