For the past three years when logging into Google’s AdSense we’ve been greeted with the notice, “Due to the war in Ukraine, we will pause monetization of content that exploits, dismisses, or condones the war”.
This has never sat well with us, so since then we’ve used AdSense sparingly and left that notice in place so that we see it anytime that we log into AdSense.
Where does Google get off dictating what we, THE PUBLISHER, say about the situation in Ukraine one way or the other?
Some advertisers probably don’t want their ads displaying near such content regardless of the stance. We get that. But how is that the publishers’ problem when we don’t control the ads at all? It isn’t!
We bring this up because the majority of the population has no idea what goes behind the scenes in media. Truth be told, this situation is rather minor. You should see what our newsdesk inbox looks like. Most of it isn’t newsworthy at all! To say agendas are being pushed constantly would be an understatement. In the future, we may give you a glimpse of that.
As the NBC PSAs go, “The more you know.”
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